Linux Server Administration Services
To ensure maximum uptime, you have to proactively monitor your systems around the clock to detect any anomalies that might indicate an imminent problem. You also have to do routine upgrades, system tweaking and maintenance. Not every company has the luxury of IT staff they can dedicate to these tasks. And those that do would prefer to have their IT professionals doing more productive work like application development.
The owners of small to medium enterprises have to pay heavy charges to the Server administrator for jobs like installing, upgrading any application/ package. Unavailability of such administrator when required is a common scenario.
A qualified administrator is of no less importance as quality hardware or reliable software. What’s more, a good administrator will manage to ‘squeeze’ the most possible performance from both hardware and software, smooth away their imperfections, prevent most failures
Our remote Linux Remote server administration service plans includes the Remote Server’s Installations of packages, Enhancing the performance of the running servers by fine tuning the running services and software applications. Deployment of Java environments, Mailing servers, Web Servers, Web Administration Interface installations, Automation of redundant periodic tasks.
Guaranteed 100% Satisfaction With Our Linux Server Administration
Performance tuning
Proactive monitoring
Security services and Backups and data recovery
24/7 support
Full Server Administration

Unlimited Support Tickets

24/7 Server Monitoring

1 Hour Max Response

Initial Server Security
Typical server administration issues we deal with:
- web server administration and optimization (Apache, lighttpd,nginx, etc.)
- Amazon Web Services(AWS)
- DNS server administration (BIND, PowerDNS)
- mail server setup and tuning, protection against spam and malware (Sendmail, Exim, Postfix)
- database server setup and administration (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB)
- load balancing setup for high-loaded systems, cluster solutions based on Pacemaker/Corosync, DRBD and cluster file systems
- security audit, custom security measures and server-side firewall solutions
- backup solutions and data recovery